





有d咩美國大學係香港認可ga 因為美國有千幾間大學 特別係 san francisco state univeristy washington state univerity university of north carolina - chapel hill lee d 學校係吾係麵係美國認可ga? 更新: =.="..even though american give you the degee doesn't mean they qulify the requirement in hk btw, i dun think the ranking is that important~ many ppl just dun care.. inculded me~ 更新 2: of coz i mean the company the goverment is not the one pay for me anyway but i am not so sure wt do you mean by very good school one of the univerity in HK are way better than those 更新 3: anyway... i wanna say SFSU's ranking is not 51 according to the internetional ranking and dun give me a crap like "but the web site say.." read carefully PLZ btw, my question is just "are those school recognized in HK"


只要美國大學佢合法俾你畢業ge, 香港唔可以唔認可, 反而係emphasize係該大學ranking~ SFSU: Rank 51 WSU: 112 UNC - CH: 27 看來Uni of North Carolina - CH 最好~


What do you mean recognized? You mean by employers or the government? The three Universities that you have mentioned are very good school. Thus, most of the employers of Hong Kong (especially those big firms) should know their name. Hence, they should be "recognized" by them. If you mean the government, then I am not sure. However, as they are really good schools, they shoudl be recognized by the HK Government.

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