What's meaning of lyrics in“Ugly”performed by Sugababes?
What's meaning of lyrics in the song“Ugly”performed by Sugababes?
The song title has just one word "Ugly". Perhaps you can relate this to the saying: "Beauty is skin deep." The song is about the singer who is not good looking at all. However, she is still confident! At the age of "7", people said that she's" strange" already, but luckily her parents still said that she's "more beautiful". That's very important to encourage her. In the chorus, the song points out that all humans should be "the same". We are beautiful or ugly not because of appearance but "what we do" and our "personality". 2008-01-15 17:54:16 補充: We are beautiful or ugly not because of appearance but WHAT WE DO and our PERSONALITY. 2008-01-16 19:33:03 補充: another good saying: don t judge a book by its cover