
CFA 有冇限幾多年內考完?


請問 CFA 有冇限幾多年內考完呀? 又有冇限考哂三張 paper 後幾多年內一定要取得 連續48 個月的相關工作經驗架? 試過搵 CFA 官方網站, 但都搵唔到相關年限的資料, 請問咁係咪即係無時限架? Thank you!





根據官方網站,沒有限幾多年內考完,從官方網站的FAQs: Do I have to take the exams in three years? No, you may take as long as you need to complete the CFA program; your exam results never expire; and we don't limit the number of times you can sit for each exam level. 至於工作經驗方面,CFA有兩類會員-Affiliate membership 或 regular membership。若沒有48個月以上的相關工作經驗,可申請Affiliate 會員。詳官方網如下: Work Experience When you apply for CFA membership, you enter your work experience descriptions as part of your application. Your work experience determines your eligibility for membership and impacts whether you are recommended for affiliate membership or regular membership. To be recommended for regular membership you must have completed four years (48 months) of qualifying work experience. If you have not accrued 48 months of qualifying work experience, you may still apply for membership and will be considered for affiliate membership status. 更多資料可參考:https://www.cfainstitute.org/cfaprog/charterholder/membership/work_experience.html Hope it help..


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