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全港18區共405個選區中,除了41個選區的候選人是自動當選外,其餘364個選區的議席,共有866名候選人競逐。多個政黨均派出大批成員參選,其中不乏年輕新面孔,民建聯 派出177人參選,是最多人參選的政黨,當中三成半是首次參選,最年輕的更只有廿一歲。民主黨 派出108人參選,人數較上屆略為減少,其中三成半是新人,其餘六成半是競逐連任。 自由黨 派出56人參選,其中五成半是首次參選,三成人競逐連任。新政黨包括公民黨 ,首次派出42人參選,社民連也首次派出27人競逐。多個選區的選情激烈,其中最多候選人競逐的選區,是尖沙嘴 東,共有七名候選人,競逐一個議席。


In entire port 18 areas altogether 405 electoral districts, besides 41 electoral districts candidates is the automatic election, other 364 electoral districts seat, altogether has 866 candidates to compete chases. Many political parties send out the large quantities of members announce candidacy, does not lack young fresh face, the National Reconstruction Association association sends out 177 person of announce candidacies, is most people announce candidacy political party, middle three tenths half are for the first time the announce candidacy, is youngest only has a twenty year old. The Democratic Party sends out 108 person of announce candidacies, the population to compare the previous session to reduce slightly, three tenths half are the new people, other six tenths half are compete by are continue as. The Liberal Party sends out 56 person of announce candidacies, five tenths half are for the first time the announce candidacy, three adults compete by are continue as. The new political party including the citizen party, sends out 42 person of announce candidacies for the first time, society the people link also for the first time send out 27 people to compete chase. Many electoral districts choose the sentiment to be intense, most candidates compete by the electoral district, is east Tsimshatsui, altogether has seven candidates, competes one by one a seat.


Whole harbors 18 area 405 total district constituencies in, 41 candidates of district constituencies are to win an election automatically, besides which, the rest argument seat of 364 district constituencies, have 866 candidate Jings to pursue totally.Several political parties all send large quantity a member three choose, don't lack a young new comer among them, the Democratic Alliance for the Betterment of Hong Kong sends to pay 177 ginsengs to choose, is the most ginsengs choose of political party, in the middle 30% half is first time three choose, the most young of more only 21 years old.Democratic Party sends to pay 108 ginsengs to choose, to compare with preceding batch, the number reduces a little bit, among them, 30% half is a New appointee, rest 60% the half is a Jing to serve another term gradually. The liberal party sends to pay 56 ginsengs to choose, among them, 50% halfs are first times three choose, three adult Jings serve another term gradually.The new political party includes a citizen party, sending to pay 42 ginsengs to choose for the very first time, the club people connects also for the very first time send to pay 27 people Jings pursue.Several district constituencies choose feeling vehemence, among them, the most candidate Jings pursue of district constituency is a sharp east of the sand mouth, having seven candidates totally, Jing one by one argument seat.|||||18 districts in whole Hong kong amount to 405 pieces of precinct , except that the candidates of 41 pieces of precinct are elected automatically, other seats in a legislative assembly of 364 pieces of precinct , 866 candidates in all compete for. A lot of political parties send large quantities of members to participate in the election , many young new faces among them, China Democratic National Construction Association unites and sends 177 ginsengs to select , is political parties that the ginseng selected at most, thirty-five percent is the initial participation in the middle, the youngest there is only twenty one years old even more. Democratic Party sends 108 ginsengs to select , the number of people reduces slightly than the previous term, thirty-five percent among them is the rookie , other sixty-five percent competes for and is reappointed. Liberal Party sends 56 ginsengs to select , fifty-five percent among them is the initial participation, 30% of the people are reappointed competing for. New political party include citizen party, send 42 ginseng select for the first time, society member of a nationality connect with sending 27 people to compete for for the first time too. The selection of a lot of precinct is fierce, the precinct where the candidate competes for at most among them, it is the east of the sharp sandspit, there are seven candidates in all, a seat in a legislative assembly one by one that compete .

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