
LCCI初級題目一問 急!!星期一考


温習戈陣呢條唔識又揾唔到答案 比d年份搞到暈答案可以用小畫家畫好再上傳好給我看~"~ 或是打上來也可以 答案應該不太長題目是 :The treasuew of the Cropton Social Club provided the following information in relation to subscriptions for the year ended 31 March 2006:Subscription received in advance at 31 March 2005---------------- $10000Subscription in... 顯示更多 温習戈陣呢條唔識又揾唔到答案 比d年份搞到暈 答案可以用小畫家畫好再上傳好給我看~"~ 或是打上來也可以 答案應該不太長 題目是 : The treasuew of the Cropton Social Club provided the following information in relation to subscriptions for the year ended 31 March 2006: Subscription received in advance at 31 March 2005---------------- $10000 Subscription in arrears at 31 March 2005--------------------------------$12000 Subscription received during the year ended 31 March 2006- (including $7000 relating to the year ending 31 March 2007)------$95000 Subscriptions in arrears at 31 March 2006------------------------------$14000 Required: (A) Write up the Subscription Account of the Compton Spcial Club for the year ended 31 March 2006. 問題二) in advance到底是預收還是應收? 另外想問問lcci level2 要讀多久? 比如說我想暑假星期1~5 lcci level2上課, 大約多少天才可以學完並考試? 還有就是lcci到底分幾級? 初級考試時間有多久?





Year ended 31 March 2006即係要你做1 April 2005-31 March 2006的數. 首先, 你要將有關年頭的數b/d落sub a/c. 上年所收的in advanced就是今年的會費收入, 所以要b/d落右手邊, in arrear就b/d落左手邊. Subscription received係今年收入, 所以要cr sub a/c. 今年所收的in advanced因為不是今年的收入, 所以要放入sub a/c的左邊, 而arrear因為是今年應收而未收的收入, 所以要放入sub a/c的cr side. 2) in advance是指預收下年的會費. 如果根據商專的schedule, level 2要學37.5小時(不計學level 1的時間), 如果一天學2.5小時, 就要學15天. 要留意商專的學習時間是教授知識或/和做題目, 所以如果包括自習時間, 就可能要更多時間溫習. lcci有4個級別. level 1叫book-keeping, 第2級叫book-keeping & accounting, 亦有cost accounting. 第三級叫accounting, 亦有cost accounting. 第四級是financial accounting, 但不是每個series都有得考. 初級考2.5小時.


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