
英文作文 工課 急要答案 50 words





題目:You are Nancy Wu. You have just received some updates on the Gift Fair (see the fax below) from Joe, the Event Manager. He wants you to reply the email for him. Using the information and all the notes, write a reply in 60... 顯示更多 題目:You are Nancy Wu. You have just received some updates on the Gift Fair (see the fax below) from Joe, the Event Manager. He wants you to reply the email for him. Using the information and all the notes, write a reply in 60 words. (英文作文)的資料圖:http://d.hiphotos.baidu.com/zhidao/wh%3D450%2C600/sign=4cfd142137fae6cd0ce1a3653a832312/bd315c6034a85edf56670b354b540923dd547539.jpg


Dear Joe, I have received your e-mail and regret to tell you the lift would not be available, due to power suspension before the fair. But there are surely some alternatives of the lift. Feel free to discuss it together by phone (2133 7333), fax (2133 7344) or e-mail anytime! Kind regards, Gigi (50 words) 2013-11-10 23:20:32 補充: Gigi 應改成 Nancy 第二段應寫成: I understand the importance of the lift so perhaps we may discuss its alternatives. Please feel free to contact me anytime. 同樣 50 字


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