
改善英文行動 51. 希望大家盡力幫忙





希望大家盡力指出我錯處狠心批改,不必留情.並且希望說明錯的原因感謝Cooking storyIt was a special day for me, because it was my first time to cook supper with my mother.While she was cooking, I helped my mother to prepare what foodstuff she needed. Also, she told me a lot of cooking skills and how can make dishes be tasty, in the... 顯示更多 希望大家盡力指出我錯處 狠心批改,不必留情. 並且希望說明錯的原因 感謝 Cooking story It was a special day for me, because it was my first time to cook supper with my mother. While she was cooking, I helped my mother to prepare what foodstuff she needed. Also, she told me a lot of cooking skills and how can make dishes be tasty, in the same time I was taking notes what my mother said. Suddenly, my mother wanted me to pass her some sugar, and I followed what she said. After a while, dishes were finished as well as a good smell came from the dishes, then I took those to table at once. The supper stared. I was look forward to eat the dishes as this dinner was prepared by me. When I ate the dishes, the taste was very salty. Oh! I passed some salt in stead of sugar to my mother during cooking, I messed the dinner up. At the end, my family and I all laughed.


It was a special day for me, because it was my first time to cook supper with my mother. While [1] my mother was cooking, I helped to her prepare what [2] ingredients she needed. Also, she taught me a lot of cooking skills and the [3] secrets to make dishes tasty, and at the same time I noted down what she said. Suddenly, my mother wanted me to pass her some sugar, and I followed what she said. After a while, dishes were finished and a good smell came from the dishes, then I took them to the table at once. The supper [4] started. I [5] just couldn’t wait to try the taste as this dinner was prepared by me. Once I started eating, I found the taste was very salty. Oh! I passed some salt instead of sugar to my mother during cooking. I messed the dinner up. At the end, my family and I all laughed. [1]Pronoun 係代名詞, 換句話講, 係用作代替原先所提及的名詞 所以先用my mother 後用 her (主動的she => 被動的her) [2]Foodstuff 係解作「糧食」, 我覺Ingredient 材料 較為適合。 Foodstuff 糧食 Ingredient材料 Food食物 (尤指已煮好熟/ 已經準備好的食物)Dishes 用碟盛載的菜式/ 食物 Seasoning 調味料Sauce 醬汁 Cuisine 菜餚 (uncountable n) e.g. This restaurant is renowned for its cuisine. or Hong Kong is a Food Paradise because we can enjoy cuisine from different countries. [3]secrets 解作「秘訣, 秘方」。[4]stared解作「凝視」, 我估你的意思係用 started [5] 急不及待 can’t wait to do something Look forward 解作「期待」, 通常信涵末端先用到e.g. I am looking forward to your reply. 或者解作「期待一個特別的時刻」。 e.g. I look forward to seeing you in Washington.


Cooking story It was a special day for me, because it was my first time to cook supper with my mother. While she was cooking, I helped her to prepare the ingredients she needed. Also, she taught me a lot of cooking skills and how could I make the dishes (no be) tasty. At the same time I was taking notes on what my mother had said. Suddenly, my mother wanted me to pass her some sugar, and I followed what she said. After a while, all the dishes were finished with (no a) good smell (No came from the dishes). Then I took those food to the table at once. The supper stared. I was looking forward to eating the dishes as I helped preparing this dinner. When I started with the first dish, the taste was very salty. Then I tried the next one, oh my goodness, it was salty too ! Oh! I must have passed some salt in stead of sugar to my mother while she was cooking, I messed the dinner up! At the end, my family and I all laughed out loud! Note : - We always use “Looking forward to doing something

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