
pregnancy after 43


pregnancy after 43my husband is 55 and i am 43 and he is constantly talking about pregnancy,but can I know if I am suitable to get pregnant at this age,what are the dangers?If I dont want,can I have the right to refuse TO GET PREGNANT in the marriage of HK SOCIETY?I deeply appreciate any comment and help in... 顯示更多 pregnancy after 43 my husband is 55 and i am 43 and he is constantly talking about pregnancy,but can I know if I am suitable to get pregnant at this age,what are the dangers? If I dont want,can I have the right to refuse TO GET PREGNANT in the marriage of HK SOCIETY? I deeply appreciate any comment and help in this matter


Of course you can refuse to get pregnant in the marriage!!! It is not only dangerous for you but also for your child. There are lots of potential illness for him. On top of this, imagine when your child is 10, you are in 53 and your husband is 65, who will take good care of the child, who will listen to him, who will help him to overcome the teenager problem? You have definitely the right to decide whether you want a baby or not. Don't do anything that you will be sorry for the whole life.


ANS.: In my personal reason , I would like to inform you that there is no such rights to terminate or refuse to Pregnant. I f you want to gt more informations, please take a look at "家庭計劃指導會" 。 Basic on the age of both of yours , if the baby is born in 2007 or 2008 at very first and planning in full, you need to know is not just careful in look after the baby but also the difference gap between the baby and yours . As you know , a heavy duty you need to push and accept the danger of high age pregnant. In my knowledge , over 35 years old is a bit later , if you get the planning with your husband, not just think about the interest of him . Your opinions is also important since mother is a person who take care of baby more than others. We all wishes you can get a healthy baby in future but truely think deeply about this before doing anything.





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