
using algebra to solve problems F1math





要步驟1. The different between two numbers is 15.the sum of the larger numberb is 15.the sum of the larger number and 8/5 of yhe smaller nuber is54.thind the larger number.2. There are some chicken and rabbits in a cage .1/3 of the rabbits were born to have 3 legs .if the total number of headsis 35 and the total... 顯示更多 要步驟 1. The different between two numbers is 15.the sum of the larger numberb is 15.the sum of the larger number and 8/5 of yhe smaller nuber is54.thind the larger number. 2. There are some chicken and rabbits in a cage .1/3 of the rabbits were born to have 3 legs .if the total number of headsis 35 and the total nuber of legs is 90,find the number of a)chicken b)rabbits with 4 legs


1. Let the larger number be X. X+8/5(X-15)=54 X+8X/5=78 13X=390 X=30 the larger number is 30 2. There are some chicken and rabbits in a cage .1/3 of the rabbits were born to have 3 legs .if the total number of headsis 35 and the total nuber of legs is 90,find the number of a)Let the number of chicken be X and the number of rabbits be Y X+Y=35---1 2X+11Y/3=90---2 2*3: 6X+11Y=270---3 1*11-3: 5X=115 X=23 the number of chicken is 23 b)Since X=23 23+Y=35 Y=12 the number of rabbits with 4 legs=2Y/3 =8

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