唔該 幫幫(maths)
Reduce the following fraction to its simplest form.105分之63=Arrange the fractions 6分之1 , 3分之1 and 4分之1 in ascending order of magnitude .Write down(a) the first five multiples of 2 which are not multiples of 3 .(b) the first three multiples of 5 which are neither multiples of 2 nor multiples of 3 .Arrange... 顯示更多 Reduce the following fraction to its simplest form. 105分之63= Arrange the fractions 6分之1 , 3分之1 and 4分之1 in ascending order of magnitude . Write down (a) the first five multiples of 2 which are not multiples of 3 . (b) the first three multiples of 5 which are neither multiples of 2 nor multiples of 3 . Arrange the fractions 5分之4 , 6分之5 and 3分之2 in descending order of magnitude .
1. 63 / 105 你把分子分母同時除以3 再除以7 即可以得到 3 / 5 2. 同分子的分數分母愈大則數值愈小,所以是 1/6,1/4,1/3 3. a. multiples of 2 即是2的倍數,第1個是2,第2個是4,以下是6,8,10,12 ... 由於6和12 是3的multiples,所以除去了6和12。結果是:2,4,8,10,14 b. 如a一般:先寫下multiples of 5 :5,10,15,20,25 ... 先除去2 的multiples,即是10,20等,再除去3的multiples,即是15,45 等 結果是 5,25,35 4. 分數如果分子只比分母小1,即是如4/5,5/6之類,則分母愈大,數值愈大(和相同分子剛好相反)。所以是 5/6,4/5,2/3。還有,假如排分數數值而沒有第2題和第4題的特性,則只好通分母再比較分子的大小了。
5分之3 3分之1大過4分之1大過6分之1 a)2,4,8,10,14 b)5,25,35 3分之2細過5分之4細過6分之5 P.S.a&b兩條唔知係咪咁計... 大過即係> 細過即係<|||||105分之63=5分之3 3分之1