





請把下面的內容翻譯成英文: 香港是一個很小的城市,在地理上山多平地少,故現時只有約64平方公里的農地,主要集中在新界北部。農場通常為小規模經營,以種植有葉蔬菜或飼養豬隻或家禽為主。香港為集約式農業,而得到的農作物基本上都是出售的。由於香港農業因都市化及經濟轉型而不斷萎縮 ,香港政府在 2000 年開始協助業界發展有機農業 。現在農作物每 日 平 均 生 產 蔬 菜 58 公 噸 、 活 雞 25,000 隻 及 生 豬 1,040 頭 。 是供應 全 港 所 需 蔬 菜 的 4% , 家 禽 的 55% 及 豬 隻 的 23% 。因為這樣,所以香港的農作物主要靠中國大陸來提供的。


Hong Kong is small city. There are lots of hills but flat lands are limited. Currently, there are only 64 square kilometres of farmland in Hong Kong, mainly located in the northern New Territories. Farms are usually managed in small scale basis. Their major business are planting leafy vegetables, keeping pigs or poultry. In Hong Kong, agriculture is a group activity, the crops obtained are basically for sale. However the agricultural activities in Hong Kong are shrinking due to urbanization and economical restructuring. Hence the Government started to assist the agricultural circles to develop organic agriculture. Now, the daily productions of crops are 58 tonnes of vegetables, 25,000 hens and 1,040 pigs. These local productions can provide the consumption of Hong Kong by 4% in vegatables, 55% in poultry and 23% in pigs. Consequently, the crops in Hong Kong are mainly rely on the supply from China Mainland. 2007-04-23 00:12:49 補充: 我不太清楚 "集約式農業" 的意思, 暫譯成 " group activity".請自行查清意思, 再作修改. 不好意思


Hong Kong is a very small city, climbs mountains the multi-flat lands in the geography to be few, therefore the present only then 64 square kilometers farmlands, mainly concentrate approximately north New Territory. The farm is the small scale management usually, plants has vegetables either the raising pig only or the domesticated fowl primarily. Hong Kong for the intensive -like agriculture, but obtains the crops basically are the sell. As a result of Hong Kong agriculture because of urbanization and economical reforming, but withers unceasingly, Hong Kong Government started in 2000 to assist the field development organic agriculture. Now crops daily average production vegetables 58 metric tons, live chicken 25,000 and live pig 1,040 heads. Is supplies Hong Kong to need the vegetables 4%, domesticated fowl 55% and pig only 23%. Because of like this, therefore Hong Kong's crops mainly provide depending on mainland China.

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