





因為我英文一向都好想進修一下,宜家又有政府既1萬蚊資助~所以睇左好多課程本身想報Wall Street既,不過因為聽好多講比成2萬蚊對住部電腦既時間比見真人既更多,我覺得我無咩自律性囉!!仲要讀成年半,所以都係決定唔報~咁岩見到-- 香港持續教育學院(HKICE)有個 職業英語文憑課程(Diploma in Workplace English) 每星期1日(3小時)讀7個月,讀完之後仲可以考TOPIC 同BULATS學費$12800(政府津貼8成,都只係$2800)聽就真係好岩我呀!!不過上網見到好多人話HKICE呢間學院唔好啵!!(但因為我見投訴既係都關於海外升學既問題)希望有讀過既人比到意見我,thank you!! 顯示更多 因為我英文一向都好想進修一下,宜家又有政府既1萬蚊資助~所以睇左好多課程 本身想報Wall Street既,不過因為聽好多講比成2萬蚊對住部電腦既時間比見真人既更多,我覺得我無咩自律性囉!!仲要讀成年半,所以都係決定唔報~ 咁岩見到-- 香港持續教育學院(HKICE)有個 職業英語文憑課程(Diploma in Workplace English) 每星期1日(3小時)讀7個月,讀完之後仲可以考TOPIC 同BULATS 學費$12800(政府津貼8成,都只係$2800) 聽就真係好岩我呀!!不過上網見到好多人話HKICE呢間學院唔好啵!!(但因為我見投訴既係都關於海外升學既問題) 希望有讀過既人比到意見我,thank you!! 更新: To: Herny666 睇得出hku Space好似比HKICE好,可惜我返工時間唔許可呀T.T 更新 2: To:Icylee 呢個網我都睇過.不過地點問題,此終返工太遠,就唔到~anyway thank!


try HKU SPACE more famous, also can get CEF and take BULATS exam AH 11-101-00 (63) Certificate in Business English Enquiry 查詢: 2975 5880 Fax 傳真: 2858 3404 Email 電郵: jasmine.chiu@hkuspace.hku.hk Course Start Date 開課日期: 02 Apr 2007 圖片參考:http://hkuspace.hku.hk/image/web_course/grayline.gif This certificate will help working professionals communicate accurately and effectively in English in various business contexts, by enabling them to: present information and ideas accurately and effectively in English; write effective letters, minutes and memos; and speak English fluently and confidently. The programme has 2 courses, which can be taken in any order: Modern Business Writing Skills, 45 hours Modern Business Oral Skills, 45 hours Students who successfully complete the programme can take the Business Language Testing Service (BULATS) Test.The SPACE is a BULATS agent and will arrange for students to take BULATS at HKU SPACE centres. Modern Business Writing Skills Effective written communication: Style, tone, image and impact Internal company communication: Memos and minutes External company communication: Job applications, enquiries, complaints and replies Course No. Day(s) / Times Venue AH 11-101-01-51 (63) Mondays, 6:30 – 9:30 pm, starting 2 Apr 07 Rm 906, Kowloon East Campus, 28 Wang Hoi Rd., Kowloon Bay. AH 11-101-01-52 (63) (FULL) Fridays, 6:30 – 9:30 pm, starting 13 Apr 07 Rm 203, Causeway Centre, 28 Harbour Rd., Wanchai, HK AH 11-101-01-53 (63) Saturdays, 2:30 – 5:30 pm, starting 14 Apr 07 Rm 1703, Island East Campus, 494 King's Rd., North Point, HK 15 meetings (45 hours) Fee: $3,300 Modern Business Oral Skills Effective telephone skills Language of presentations Asking and handling questions Language of meetings Course No. Day(s) / Times Venue AH 11-101-21-51 (63) Wednesays, 6:30 – 9:30 pm, starting 11 Apr 07 Rm 215, Causeway Centre, 28 Harbour Rd., Wanchai, HK AH 11-101-21-52 (63) Thursays, 6:30 – 9:30 pm, starting 12 Apr 07 Rm 215, Causeway Centre, 28 Harbour Rd., Wanchai, HK AH 11-101-21-53 (63) (Cancelled) N/A N/A 15 meetings (45 hours) Fee: $3,300 :::: Continuing Education Fund (CEF) :::: This programme has been included in the list of CEF reimbursable programmes. Application for CEF has to be made before commencement of the programme. Details can be found at http://www.info.gov.hk/sfaa/cef


千祈唔好讀呢間黑店,無得比你考試拎返津貼 (本人剛修讀完先知道呢間係黑店)|||||我而家都係一間大專院校讀緊職業英語課程呀,而且都讀得幾好 個課程仲有資助~讀完之後又可以考張國際cert~ 如果你想知更多你聯絡我呀~大家傾,睇下幫唔幫到你ar~ 95036593~Andrew~|||||英語是全世界最重要的溝通語言,要衝出亞洲,踏足世界,您不單要學懂英語,更要「渴慕」英語。 人所共知,香港乃國際金融及商業中心,要保持競爭或爭取更好工作前景,良好的英語能力實為重要。 我們的課程旨在幫助學員在職場上有効地運用英語,我們會集中在聽、講、寫、讀幾個層面,透過互動的角色扮演小組學習及討論交流,加強學員日常及商業上以英語溝通的技巧和信心,提昇他們在工作崗位上得到更多的認同,事業前途更豐盛。 英語是全世界最重要的溝通語言,要衝出亞洲,踏足世界,您不單要學懂英語,更要「渴慕」英語。 人所共知,香港乃國際金融及商業中心,要保持競爭或爭取更好工作前景,良好的英語能力實為重要。 我們的課程旨在幫助學員在職場上有効地運用英語,我們會集中在聽、講、寫、讀幾個層面,透過互動的角色扮演小組學習及討論交流,加強學員日常及商業上以英語溝通的技巧和信心,提昇他們在工作崗位上得到更多的認同,事業前途更豐盛。 http://www.j-life.hk/english.htm 我唔知幫唔幫到你...不過我搵左d資料比你睇

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