
bernoulli equation?(10分)





1.a barge has a draft (submerged depth) of 3m at sea.assume that it has a rectangular horizontal cross-section.by how much does this change when it reaches a fresh-water lake?the density of seawater is 1025 kg/m^3.2.water flows at 2.4 m/s through a garden hose of diameter 1.59 cm and emerges from a nozzle of... 顯示更多 1.a barge has a draft (submerged depth) of 3m at sea.assume that it has a rectangular horizontal cross-section.by how much does this change when it reaches a fresh-water lake?the density of seawater is 1025 kg/m^3. 2.water flows at 2.4 m/s through a garden hose of diameter 1.59 cm and emerges from a nozzle of radius 0.64 cm.if the nozzle is directed vertically upward,to what height would the water rise? 更新: 第2題問:對什麼高度水會上升?


1) 依阿基米得原理(浮體原理),物體的重量等於它所受的浮力。 B (浮力) = w (重量),因此在海水的浮力 = 在淡水中的浮力。 設船的面積為 A,則依浮力公式,h 是浸在水中的深度。 B = Vdg (浸在水中的體積 x 液體密度 x 重力加速度) Vdg = V’d’g Ahdg = Ah’d’g hd = h’d’ h x 1000 = 3 x 1025 h = 3.075m 船在淡水中有3.075m浸在水中,比海水多了0.075m 2) 假設水的喉管和喉咀是在同一高度,則依伯奴利原理 P1 + 0.5ρv12 = P2 + 0.5ρv12 同時依液體的連續流動: A1 = (1.59/2)2π;A2 = (0.64/2)2π;v1 = 2.4ms-1 A1v1 = A2v2 (1.59/2) 2π(2.4) = (0.64/2)2πv2 v2 = 14.81ms-1 ρ = 1000;P2 = 1.014x105Pa [標準大氣壓力] P1 + 0.5ρv12 = P2 + 0.5ρv12 P1 + 0.5(1000)( 2.4)2 = 1.014x105 + 0.5(1000)( 14.81)2 P1 = 2.081x105 Pa


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