用來做芝士cake的. 但不知是什麼. 在哪兒買?幾$$?什麼牌子好呢.
圖片參考:http://hk.yimg.com/i/icon/16/59.gif 霖酒一般係帶甜既酒,但如果做餅,通常買到既就好似以下既酒精款: 圖片參考:http://rightcake.com/foodtools/CIMG3887.JPG
是酒黎的,在超市都有得買, 如果用黎做cake而你又唔係好講究, 超市的己ok,價錢有平有貴, 但買酒都係貴架了...|||||是rum酒 Rum is a distilled beverage made from sugarcane byproducts such as molasses and sugarcane juice by a process of fermentation and distillation. The distillate, a clear liquid, is then usually aged in oak and other casks. The majority of rum production occurs in and around the Caribbean and along the Demerara River in South America, though there are rum producers in places such as Australia, India, Reunion Island, and elsewhere around the world. Rum is produced in a variety of styles. Light rums are commonly used in mixed drinks, while golden and dark rums are appropriate for use in cooking as well as cocktails. Premium brands of rum are also available that are made to be consumed neat or on the rocks. Rum plays a part in the culture of most islands of the West Indies, and has famous associations with the British Royal Navy and piracy. Rum has also served as a popular medium of exchange that helped to promote slavery along with providing economic instigation for Australia's Rum Rebellion and the American Revolution.[1] 2007-06-05 14:49:11 補充: 詳細資料:http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rum如果是烹飪調味,甚麼牌子差別不太大。規模大一點的超巿有售。 2007-06-05 15:04:42 補充: 中文譯名為:"霖酒"或"朗姆酒",分為白朗姆、黑朗姆、檸檬朗姆、.......等。 2007-06-09 01:17:11 補充: 呢樽酒個英文字係串錯o左(Num),正確真係Rum。