本人已經知道,麥林其實係Magnum既譯音,係指一種子彈 總是覺得,麥林手槍冇咩實際用途,每射一發就要拉扳機,射程又低過自動步槍 .357 聽講後座力都算大,但同 .44 (10.97mm x 33)仍然差好遠 但.44 既後座力聽講唔係一般人承受到 ,分分鐘會比佢彈親tim 狙擊槍既後座大就一定 (7.62mm x 51 來計) 以4 kg既狙擊槍來計,如果直接拿起使用,後座力大到成個人彈起 2者來計,係咪.44 麥林手槍後座力比較大? 咁點解D左輪唔安裝 後座力制退器?
麥林是一種子彈的名稱,同時亦是一種槍的名稱。因為麥林子彈火力強大,不是一般槍械可以承受起那種爆炸力。而且麥林子彈亦比一般手槍子彈長,所以就入不到一般手槍。因此麥林子彈,只會用於專用的手槍上,即是麥林手槍。 麥林手槍現時只有左輪,但不要攪錯左輪就是麥林手槍,麥林左輪是比一般左輪槍管長的,所以就好容易分辦到。而以前是有一支用麥林子彈的自動手槍,好似叫automagnum,見過相同在日本漫畫七金鋼中,主角飛葉就是常用客,不過現實就是因為子彈產生的熱力大,槍身容易出現金屬疲勞及故障,所以就沒有多人用而被淘汰了。 至於麥林子彈我多年前打過,感覺真難忘,亦是我的致愛子彈,詳情你可以睇我寫的另一個知識:http://hk.knowledge.yahoo.com/question/?qid=7006121103160。不過要更正的是那個是香港槍會,因為位於屯門而被自己誤記為屯門槍會。 那時打麥林子彈,後座力不很大,就算.44也不很大,而.357就很好用,特點是子彈快,連環射擊射擊好過癮。而.44因為彈頭較重,打起來不那麼爽,不過不是很難控制,比自動手槍還容易控制。自動手槍中以clock系列最難控制,不明會那麼出名,反而麥林就不太多人識。其實clock難控制過麥林,clock雖然後座力不大,不過滑架向後的跳動動作,往往影響子彈彈道,所以打clock不難,是很輕巧的槍,不過要打中目標就難,打不中目標有啥用?我那時打麥林,不論.357定.44.都有成九成中目標,打clock就得四成。不過麥林手槍因為火力勁,每一次射擊就是一次爆炸,所以發出的熱力好大,槍身很熱,打到50發子彈就熱到連扳機都灼熱到燙火指,有時要放下槍來散熱,這些經驗,不是靠看書就知道的。 至於麥林唔用制退器,其實好簡單,因為麥林主要是左輪,左輪擊發子彈後,不像自動手槍的設計,子彈爆發的熱空氣迫入氣槽。而左輪是沒有氣槽的,亦不會用氣動復進。其實左輪的設計很適合麥林子彈,因為爆發後的熱空氣是可以直接向後噴,這股熱空氣就成為抵消子彈後座力的力量,其原理同無後座力大砲的原理,這是麥林子彈不那麼大後座力的原因。不過槍手就要習慣那股火焰灼面的感覺,俊男美女就一定怕得要死,不過習慣了就忘不了那種感覺,好正! 至於狙擊槍,用的是步槍子彈,長51mm,彈藥量多手槍子彈幾倍,後座力當然勁啦。不過不止狙擊槍,其實自動步槍都是和狙擊槍用同等彈藥的子彈,後座力一樣,還要連續射擊,受不了怎行?如果一種子彈設計出來勁到人都用唔到,又可以俾那人用?就只有好似automagum一樣,勁就勁,無人用就只會淘汰。而步槍現時的彈藥沒被淘汰,就表示人是用得到的,那麼又怎會勁到成個人彈起呢?
It is not quite fair to compare the recoil between a rifle and a handgun. Normally a rifle cartridge projects the bullets with a much greater engery than a handgun cartridge. As a result, the rifle also produce a much greater total recoil force. It is just simple physics. For example, the muzzle energy of some common handgun and rifle cartridges are as follow: .38 special (296J) 9x19mm (543J) .357 magnum (728J) .44 magnum (1360J) 5.56x45mm (1798J) 7.62x39mm (1991J) 7.62x51mm (2890J) 7.62x63mm (3261J) The numbers may vary a little, depending on the weight of the bullet, amount of gun powder, lenght of the gun barrel and other factors. Although the absolute recoil engery may be greater on a rifle, a hand gun is much harder to control and shoot accurately. Therefore, you may feel the recoil to be greater than it really is. There are a few reasons. - Rifles are heavier. Physical law dictats, the heavier the object, the smaller the counter reaction. - Rifles are longer, the muzzle flip is smaller. - You hold the rifle with two hands apart and also back it with your shoulder. They forms a three point rigid support for the gun. While shooting a handgun, all the recoil force will be on your wrist, which is much weaker than the three point support on a long gun. In conclusion, I will say a sniper rifle would probably produce a larger recoil, but a magnum hand gun is harder to control and shoot accurately. I shoot a 9x19mm handgun and a 30-06 (7.62x63mm) hunting rifle quite often. I can tell you that, the 30-06 rifle hurts a lot more and put bruises on my shoulder all the time. But it is still very easy to hit a target with the rifle at 100yards. While with the handgun, I can barely hit anything consistently beyond 25.