Billion, million 等英文讀法問題!!! 趕趕趕~ 20點
1,000,000 讀 one million 1,000,000,000 讀 one billion 1,000,000,100 讀one million and one hundred 咁 407,000嘅英文點讀?? 470,000嘅英文點讀?? 47,000嘅英文點讀?? 5,000,020嘅英文點讀?? 5,020,000嘅英文點讀?? 1,000,213,000嘅英文點讀?? 1,213,000,000嘅英文點讀?? 36,262,871,001嘅英文點讀?? thank you~
數目嘅話... 要清楚啲喎... 407,000 讀 Four hundred and seven thousand 470,000 讀 Four hundred and seventy thousand 47,000 讀 Forty-seven thousand 5,000,020 讀 Five million and twenty 5,020,000 讀 Five million and twenty thousand / Five point o two million (5.02 million) 1,000,213,000 讀 One billion and two hundred and thirteen thousand 1,213,000,000 讀 One point two one three billion (1.213 billion) / One thousand two hundred and thirteen million 36,262,871,001 讀 thirty-six point two six two eight seven one o o one billion (36.262871001 billion) 註: 0 可以讀 o (英文字母) 或者 zero -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 數字如年份或電話號碼才至可以將其拆開: 20004457 讀 two thousand, four four five seven / two thousand, double four five seven 1997 讀 nineteen ninety-seven 2007 讀 two thousand and seven 2042 讀 twenty forth-two
407,000 read as four O seven thousand or four hundred and seven thousand 470,000 read as four seventy thousand or four hundred seventy thousand 47,000 read as forty seven thousand 5,000,020 read as five million and twenty 5,020,000 read as five million and twenty thousand 1,000,213,000 read as one billion and two hundred thirteen thousand 1,213,000,000 read as one billion and two hundred thirteen million or one point two one three billion or one thousand two hundred thirteen million 36,262,871,001 read as thirty six billion two hundred sixty two million eight hundred seventy one thousand and one. But in real life, sometimes we just read the figures out, like the last one, we'll say 36..262...871....001