



數學超急 急急急急急急急急~20點!!


1 Judy has a bag of coins. There are x number of $2 coins and the number of $5 dollar coins in twice of that $2 coins. The total amount of the bag of coins is $72. Find the number of $2 coins and $5 dollar coins.2. The sum of Mr.Nixon and his son is 53. 4 years ago, the age of Mr.Nixon was 4 times the age of his... 顯示更多 1 Judy has a bag of coins. There are x number of $2 coins and the number of $5 dollar coins in twice of that $2 coins. The total amount of the bag of coins is $72. Find the number of $2 coins and $5 dollar coins. 2. The sum of Mr.Nixon and his son is 53. 4 years ago, the age of Mr.Nixon was 4 times the age of his son. Find the present ages of them. 急急急急急急急急急~20點!!THX!!!


1. number of $2: x cost of $2: 2x number of $5: 2x cost of $5: 5(2x) = 10x total cost: 2x + 10x = 72 => x = 6 $2 has 6 coins and $5 has 12 coins 2. N + S = 53 => N = 53 - S N - 4 = 4(S-4) (53-S) - 4 = 4S - 16 49 - S = 4S - 16 65 = 5S S = 13 N = 40


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