
f.5 chem molar volume 急急





10.0 g of copper(II) carbonate isadded to 50.0 cm^3 of 1.00 M sulphuric acid. At the end if the reaction1150 cm^3 of a certain gas are collected at room temperature andpressure.(a) show by calculation determine whether coppet(II) carbonate or sulphuric acid is the limiting reactant.(b) calculate the... 顯示更多 10.0 g of copper(II) carbonate isadded to 50.0 cm^3 of 1.00 M sulphuric acid. At the end if the reaction1150 cm^3 of a certain gas are collected at room temperature andpressure. (a) show by calculation determine whether coppet(II) carbonate or sulphuric acid is the limiting reactant. (b) calculate the theorectical volume of the gas which would be liberated at room temp. and pressure. (c)explain any difference between the theorectical volume and the volume of gas collected . (d) Calculate the theoretical mass of copper(II) sulphate crystal (CuSO4?5H2O) that can be obtained. (relative atmoic masses H=1.0 C=12.0 O=16.0 S=32.0 Cu=63.5 molar volume of any gas at room temp.andd pressure =24.0dm^3mol^-1)


(a) By equation, 1 mole of copper(II) carbonate reacts completely with 1 mole of sulphuric acid. No. of moles of CuCO3 = 10/(63.5 + 60) = 0.0810 No. of moles of H2SO4 = 0.05 So sulphuric acid is the limiting reactant. (b) Theoretical no. of moles of CO2 given out = 0.05 So theoretical volume = 0.05 x 24 = 1.2 dm3 (c) Some of the gas evolved re-dissolves in the solution of reaction. (d) Theoretical no. of moles of CuSO4 produced = 0.05 So theoretical mass of crystal = 0.05 x (63.5 + 32 + 4 x 16 + 5 x 18) = 12.475 g

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