(急) 用win XP燒o左隻碟然後Vista度開d相冇晒呀!!!點算?
我o係HK用屋企部腦(win XP)燒O左隻碟入面全部都係相, 有681MB, 然後燒完, 仲有個燒碟工作已完成o既o野彈出o黎~ 之後我仲放返入去CHECK返入面有冇相O係入面, 係有晒O既~ (我冇用其他software燒, 我用window燒~)兩日後我返到加拿大時, 用我屋企部腦(係Vista)開, 就話我入面冇file, 但我o係個cd-rom到禁properties, 佢又show話隻碟冇晒space (0 bytes free), 話有681mb o係入面喎...但CLICK入去, 然後又有一個唔知係乜o既o野o係埋隻碟入面...有兩個FILE, 一個係我D相個FIEL, 另一個係under... 顯示更多 我o係HK用屋企部腦(win XP)燒O左隻碟入面全部都係相, 有681MB, 然後燒完, 仲有個燒碟工作已完成o既o野彈出o黎~ 之後我仲放返入去CHECK返入面有冇相O係入面, 係有晒O既~ (我冇用其他software燒, 我用window燒~) 兩日後我返到加拿大時, 用我屋企部腦(係Vista)開, 就話我入面冇file, 但我o係個cd-rom到禁properties, 佢又show話隻碟冇晒space (0 bytes free), 話有681mb o係入面喎... 但CLICK入去, 然後又有一個唔知係乜o既o野o係埋隻碟入面... 有兩個FILE, 一個係我D相個FIEL, 另一個係under "files ready to be written to the disc". 然後個FILE 名係 desktop.ini~ 我自己相個file click入去就一片空白...乜都冇... 究竟發生咩事... 有冇辦法可以睇返d相.... 好急好想要返晒d相...我張CF卡因為有問題要換所以已經冇晒底... 請各位高人幫忙~~~唔該晒~~~
use isobuster to view the layout of that cd if isobuster shows nothing, then 99% nothing has been written to that disc. no workaround ! http://www.isobuster.com 2008-05-05 14:57:57 補充: next time if you are not going to use a cdr/cdrw as a direct cd (packet writing - read/write like the way you access a harddrive via explorer - very convenient and easy to do cd writing), don't use XP's internal cd-writing mechanism. Better use a normal cd-writing software, for instance, Nero.