



Charles Dickens(20分)急


請給我一些關於Charles Dickens的資料 like: 18xx- Charles Dickens was born 1843- He started to write christmas carol .................................... please help me !! in english is better. but chinese i also 接受既.. please 最好唔好 chinese >< 更新: And i want to know when did he start to write : A christmas carol- when he was 31 Pickwick Papers-? Oliver Twist-? Nicholas Nickleby-? The old Curiosity Shop-? please fill in the ?


7 February 1812 Charles Dickens was born 9 June 1870 Charles Dickens was died 1817 Dickens family moved to Chatham, Kent 1822 Dickens family relocated to 16 Bayham Street, Camden Town, in London 1824 Dickens had begun working ten-hour days at Warren's Blacking Warehouse, on Hungerford Stairs, near the present Charing Cross railway station May 1827 Dickens began work, in the law office of Ellis and Blackmore, as a clerk 1829 he became a court stenographer 1830 met his first love, Maria Beadnell 1834 Dickens became a political journalist 1836 his first collection of pieces Sketches by Boz published 2 April 1836 he married Catherine Thomson Hogarth 1836 Dickens accepted the job of editor of Bentley's Miscellany 1842 he travelled with his wife to the United States and Canada 14 February 1842 a Boz Ball (named after his pseudonym) was held in his honour at the Park Theater, with 3,000 of New York’s elite present 1856 his popularity had allowed him to buy Gad's Hill Place 1857 preparation for public performances of The Frozen Deep 1858 Dickens separated from his wife 9 June 1865 Dickens was involved in the Staplehurst rail crash 2009-02-10 20:30:47 補充: 1843: A christmas carol (yes, when he was 31) 1837: Pickwick Papers 1837-1839: Oliver Twist 1838-1839: Nicholas Nickleby 1840-1841: The old Curiosity Shop


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