60分是因為相同問題提出了四次!請回答之前的發問!合共60分______________________________________________________我有朋友是宗援戶,他的兒子及息婦 是 大陸人 兒子及息婦來香港生了(一仔一女)對仔女在香港出生當然是香港永久居民! 現在這兩老和這兩名孫兒同住公屋! 現在問:可否加入這兩名孫的名,成為四人家庭申請換大單位? 可否為兩名孫兒申請宗援?(因為孫兒快將要上幼稚園,生活開支不夠) 如果可以加名入公屋!如何申請? 如果為兩名孫兒申請宗援又如何入手???... 顯示更多 60分是因為相同問題提出了四次!請回答之前的發問!合共60分 ______________________________________________________ 我有朋友是宗援戶,他的兒子及息婦 是 大陸人 兒子及息婦來香港生了(一仔一女)對仔女在香港出生當然是香港永久居民! 現在這兩老和這兩名孫兒同住公屋! 現在問:可否加入這兩名孫的名,成為四人家庭申請換大單位? 可否為兩名孫兒申請宗援?(因為孫兒快將要上幼稚園,生活開支不夠) 如果可以加名入公屋!如何申請? 如果為兩名孫兒申請宗援又如何入手??? 因為他們曾經向社署提出過反而比職員責問,你拿的宗援金只能給你自已用!不能用來養孫兒!如果查出即取消宗援!! 那麼法例是如何界定那人可申請宗援? 更新: 多謝下面那位朋友的 詳細答複,但本人英語能力有限! 可否給個中文的答複!謝謝 更新 2: 要成為他們的監護人?他們的身份是麻麻和孫兒!是直系親屬!!! 還不行嗎?
我感覺不可以,因為你都說左拿的宗援金只能給你自已用!不能用來養孫兒!如果查出即取消宗援!!|||||This good question .If they need to apply HK wefare ,they can go HK wefare Department and ur friend can ask HK wefare Department after 3 months they can get around 10000$ per month.Ur friend need to show his account under 30000$per one year and they cannnot work .If wefare Department don't give ur anything .u can go to newspaper to complain their to not give u any money or help .u can find their chairman to talk to them ur problem.i think that they need to complain for newspaper better than only to talk wefare department staff because they afrain od reporter .my father work in HK wefare so i know what can help u .u need to spend 3months time.the can change their public house but they need to wait around 3or 6years .they need to go public house deparment to apply for changing more big house . 2006-10-18 21:13:14 補充: Don't care wefare department say anything .if they still don't give u anything ,u can go to any newspaper to complain their not giving wefare under 18 years children because By law if they are under 15years old and 兩老cannot fed their 兩名孫,HK wefare Department must give their 兩名孫wefare