
刑事案件有關14天上訴期的問題? (急)


本人在一宗有關(行騙)刑事案件中,給警方在警署扣留了個人物品如:手機/信用卡/金錢等等的個人財物進行調查,及後更給起訴告上法庭,但重點是[手機/信用卡/金錢等等不是在証物表中]。 如今官司勝利了, 1:想問我的個人財物是向那一方拿回? 2:有關14天的上訴期,控方是否連星期六/日都計算在內的? 3:如果過了14天後,我怎樣拿回自己的個人物品? 請求真的有法律智識經驗的人仕幫幫我,詳細解答。感謝!(20分) 更新: 你好: 1. 請問當過了14天後,警方會主動CONTACT我嗎?還是要我主動找他們? 2. 官司勝利了,警方還有沒有權利不給回個人財物我? 3. 如果警方真的不主動CONTACT我取回個人財物,當14天的上訴期已過了,我可否投訴或有什麼法律行動可做? 更新 2: 4. 官司勝利的日子是8月21日, 請幫忙計算一下幾多號才夠14天我可以找警方呢 更新 3: 你好!今天已經是第14天了,想問問控方如果會上訴的話是否會CONTACT我或律師樓?程序上是否過了14天,去到15/16/17天等等,他們便不能再上訴告我的這CASE 嗎? 更新 4: 好的,先謝謝你,我就多等一星期看看警方會否主動contact我 更新 5: hi gary先生,之前另一查詢有關[小明]story post我del了,希望你不要介意,因為當中有敏感資料,現在這post我不會del的,再一次感謝你的解答。


1. The police. In most of the case, you will be returned to the same police station to collect. 2. Yes - unless explicitly mentioned, all days in a week are included. If the deadline falls to a court (public) holiday or court closure, the deadline will extend to the next business day. 3. It depends on who has the possession of your items. The easiest way is contact the same police station that you are charged and processed. 2014-09-03 20:39:25 補充: 1. They should. But don't rely on them. 2. It is not a right. But the police has the authority not to return any seized item if they claim it is related to another investigation. But for this case standalone, the police no longer has any authority. 2014-09-03 20:39:35 補充: 1. They should. But don't rely on them. 2. It is not a right. But the police has the authority not to return any seized item if they claim it is related to another investigation. But for this case standalone, the police no longer has any authority. 2014-09-03 20:41:43 補充: 3. Contact the police first and see how they respond. It is possible that the Department of Justice or the court may still possess the item. Give them some time (like about a month). After that you can file a lawsuit for the return (it rarely goes to this phase). 2014-09-03 20:43:26 補充: 4. Tomorrow will be the deadline for the appeal. Since it takes time for process of service (in case an appeal is filed) or transfer ot evidence, I will give them until the week of September 14 to make an inquiry. 2014-09-04 19:47:39 補充: The proper procedure is notice/application/request to appeal must be filed today. Process of service can be done later (that's why I said you should wait a week).





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