


請指點何時有拖拍 Male 出生日期為1987.January.5---- 19.00-20.00 請高人指點何時會有GirlFfiend. 更新: To n3ryan 大運不利姻緣? WHt do u mean? wht 大運 i am having at the moment????? thx~ 更新 2: 31歲後行土運? for how long? So u mean that i have to find gf next year. Otherwise i need to wait for 10 years . Is that wht u mean? 更新 3: To n3ryan So that's mean if i have 姻緣運...(e.g. 2009 and 2019) I can easy to find Girlfriend If i don have 姻緣運, i still have chance, but the chance become less Is that wht u mean? 晚婚(30歲後)機會較大 u mean at the begining of 30, or at the end of 30 ??????????????? Many thx again. 更新 4: JUst curious~ 財為桃花 , as u say If u say i can have more 姻緣 in the age of 31-41, i can be more esay to earn money during this period Is that correct too???????????? Thx





你個命屬木, 木旺身強, 而家亦行緊木運, 木太旺 土為財, 財為桃花, 旺木剋土, 土弱, 桃花弱也 睇返過去, 04年申年沖妻官, 果年應有追女仔但追唔到手 另外07年亥年合妻官, 有姻緣, 但也相處不好, 最後冇一齊到 短期睇最大機會係下年2009年, 因09年為土旺之年, 能旺財, 加上流年與本命合, 容易有姻緣, 不過因為大運不利姻緣所以唔一定得, 如果唔得就要等31歲後行土運才有機... 或者你再搵人擺D風水陣旺下桃花啦 希望幫到你 2008-07-29 21:13:14 補充: 21-31歲大運癸卯, 水木大運, 木旺土弱所以不利桃花不利姻緣 31-41歲行10年土運, 土運較易有姻緣 仲有你個命妻星o係時柱, 晚婚(30歲後)機會較大 算命只係算到大環境對你ge影響, 只能睇到機會大唔大/容唔容易... 下年09年較大機會, 可以試下積極d爭取 如果爭取唔到, 過10年會大d機會 其間十年唔係冇機會, 只係機會細... 有d人冇姻緣運都可以拍拖... 所以... 唔好太擔心! 2008-07-30 14:54:24 補充: So that's mean if i have 姻緣運... I can easy to find Girlfriend YES If i don have 姻緣運, i still have chance, but the chance become less YES 2008-07-30 14:54:43 補充: 晚婚(30歲後)機會較大 u mean at the begining of 30, or at the end of 30 ? begining of 30 財為桃花 If u say i can have more 姻緣 in the age of 31-41, i can be more easy to earn money during this period YES Thx <---you are welcome^^


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