我想參加一個AFS 的交流計劃(仲有甚麼計劃可以參加) 想問問大概的內容是怎樣的,要做些甚麼 我現在中二,我想中四去,要準備些甚麼 有甚麼東西可以證明我去過外國 接代家庭和住在那裡可以選嗎 隨了參加費外,包唔包學費,或食宿的?仲要比d咩錢? 可以比AFS 同 EF 的websites 我嗎?
1. AFS is the best one for exchange . Because my friend said they exclude everything even u paid 60 thousand 2. u will study in a high school the country that u choose. But I highly recommend u go to the country mother language is not english because english u can learn anytime everywhere in Hong Kong but if u can speak other language is useful for yours future. for me I got o Hungary with AFS. 3.most of the people they will go after form 5 but if yours secondary will let u skip one year u can go. 4. the will give u a cert. after u finish the program 5. U can't choose the famliy because all host family in AFS a voluteener the won't get any money. AFS will find for u and u usually will study in the school around yours host family or same as their daughter. And if u want to change the host family u have to have a very good reason. But I am the very lucky one my host family they are perfect 6. AFS will include school fee, all meal(Yours Host famliy have to provide for u but of course if u don't like u have to buy by yourself, transportation(school to home) , books, u just need pocket momey(long distance call, shopping 7. www.afs.org.hk 2008-01-04 00:10:20 補充: the first answer I mean EF exclude everthing even u paid 60 thousand