


a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z 26個細楷英文字母像什麼? 請大大發揮想像力的小宇宙........ thx e.e


Hi, a= a small lock b= a miniture golf club c= a cartoon character's round ear. d=a pregnant woman's big belly. e= a pacman. f= a walking stick g= a desk globe h= a chair i=a candle j= a father standing in a church k=a karate boy l= a wall ( Try to look at it sideways.) m=an elephant n=an arch o=a coin p= a mountaineer with a backpack q= a smoking pipe r=a slim lighter s=a cobra t= a cross sign on a tomb u= a horse shoe v= a v-shaped collar w=farm fences x= a big x ( when you don't know how to answer any questions in a test or an exam, your teachers have to use this.) y= a sling shot z= a fashionable chair This is a hard one! :) Bye for now^_^ 2008-11-04 21:46:29 補充: j= a person is on his keens in a church************ 2008-11-05 11:13:22 補充: j= a person is on his knees<-------(I mistyped this) in a church.<---------





a 企鵝 b 大pet pet c 馬蹄鐵 d 大肚 e 捲曲毛蟲 f 街燈 g 古代英式紳士眼鏡 (單邊) h 長頸鹿 i 倒轉的感嘆號 j 倒轉的問號 k 鎖匙個尾部 l 筷子 m 山 n 隧道 o 太陽 p 伸脷 q 舔鼻 r 幼苗 s 蛇 t 鐵勾 u 茶杯 v 倒轉了的圓規 w 裂痕 x 打風的玻璃窗 y 空中飛人 z 縐紋

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