aural問題! (緊急!)
有冇人可以俾classical; baroque; romantic同20th century peroid嘅以下幾點? - tempo - rhythm - texture - melody - harmony - tonality - dynamics - form - character THX!!!!!! :D
Baroque Period(巴羅克時期): a. tempo: can be very fast, medium or slow b. melody: polyphonic c. keys: major / minor scales d. texture: simple and polyphonic e. articulation: staccato/semi-legato /legato f. forms: AABB g. instruments: harpscichord, clavichord, violin, viola, cello h. harmony: used part- writing i. dynamics: not much contrasts Classical Period(古典時期) a. tempo: can be very fast, medium or slow b. melody: only one part of the music serves as melody c. keys: major/minor scales d. texture: richer than the music of the BaroquePeriod, homophonic e. articulation: sometimes staccato, sometimes legato f. forms: mostly ABA or Sonata form g. instruments: orchestral instruments, piano h. harmony: non part writing,homophonic, favours the use of the 'alberti bass' like 'dsms'..... i. dynamics: some contrasts in dynamics The Romantic period a. tempo: can be rather varied like rubato b. melody: usually one part of the piece serves as melody c. keys: major / minor with chromatic chords d. texture: very rich and full of expression e. articulation: mostly legato touch with pedalling f. forms: can be ABA, AABB or there's not much emphasis in forms like tone poem g. instruments: piano,orchestral instruments h. harmony: homophonic with chromatic chords i. dynamics: lyrical and expressive,gradually loud or gradually soft often appears The twentieth century a. tempo: free b. melody: short and brief c. keys: not fixed , non major /minor,12 tone series, some bitonality(two keys sounding together)appears d. texture: thin and sudden,can be very chromatic e. articulation: semi staccato/legato/staccato f. forms: no fixed forms g. instruments: piano, orchestral instruments, percussion instruments h. harmony: short and brief, favours the tone clusters like notes AB sounding together or notes DEF sounding together i. dynamics: suddenly loud or soft, very impulsive
Baroque: 1600-1750 Unity of mood - A breoque piece expresses one basic mood Rhythm- Continuity of rhythm, which provides an energy - forward motion. Melody - Continuous expanding, unfolding and unwinding of melody. Resulting melodic sequences. Also gives an impression of dynamic expansion rather than of balance or symmetry. Dynamics - Level of volume tends to stay constant, terraced dynamics were used. Tonality - Harpsichord and organ are the main keyboard intruments at that time, Harpsichord could not obtain a crescendo or decrescendo. Texture - Predominantly polyphonic in texture - meaning 2 or more melody lines compete for the listener's attention Form - ABA (ternary), AB(binary) and continuous Classical - 1750 - 1820 Contrast of mood - fluctuate in mood, may change gradually or suddenly, Rhythm - Flexiility of rhythm adds variety to classical music, Classical style unlike baroque period, itt includes unexpected pausesm syncopations and frequent changes from long notes to shorter notes Texture- In contrast to the polyphonic texture of late aroque music, classical music is basically homophonic. However, texture is treated as flexily as rhythm. Melody - Its tuneful and easy to remember, sounds balanced and symmetrical because they are frequently made up of two phrases of the same length. Dyanmics and piano Crescendo and decrescendo were used. Replacement of the harpichord by the piano. Pianist can play loudly or softby by varying the finger pressure. Forms Usually consist of several movements that contrast in tempo and character, often four movements 1. fast 2. slow 3. Dance-related 4. Fast Classcail orchestra Strings :1st 2nd violins, viola, cellos, double basses Woodwinds : 2flutes, 2 oboes, 2 clarinets, 2 bassoons Brass : french horn and trumpet (2) Percussion : 2 timpani 希望幫到你..打錯d 字既話唔好意思^^